Event emblem
Additional information
Dimensions | 42 × 29.7 cm |
Format: PNG without background
sku: 1595
Categories All frames, Blue / Azure, Celebrations and events, Diners and events, Event emblems, Set No. 015
Tags Branding for Diner, chasidish Plus, Chasidishe Logo, Chassidishe design, Chassidishe Elements, Chassidishe logo, Decorated Logo, Elements, emblem, Emblem - Hachnosos Sefer Torah, Event branding, Event emblem, Graphic Illustrations, Hachnasat Sefer Torah, Hachnosos Sefer Torah, Illustrations, Jewish elements, Jewish symbols, Judaica drawings, Logo, Sefer Torah, symbol
Event emblem | Chasidishe Logo | Decorated Logo | Event branding | Branding for Diner